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G R A S P 2024

Friday, May 17
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Wilkinson Student Center


The Research Development Office and the Faculty Center present the second annual Grants, Research, and Sponsored Projects (GRASP) Conference on May 17th, 2024.

This half-day conference is focused on connecting faculty to BYU’s many resources for research. The conference topics cover the breadth of the research life-cycle. This ensures that no matter what your research experiences are, you will receive valuable insights and new skills.

All faculty are welcome at GRASP 2024!

Register here


8:00 - 8:30amRegistration and Continental Breakfast, WSC Garden Court
8:30 - 8:50amKeynote speaker: Dr. Sarah Coyne, WSC Garden Court
Session RoomsWSC 3224WSC 3280WSC
9:00 - 9:50am

Proposals 101

Debbie Silversmith

Grant Editing to Impress Your Funder

Dr. Christine Ackroyd

AI and Research

Dr. James Gaskin

"You've Received an Award! Now What? Grants Accounting 101"

David Morris

10:00 - 10:50am

A Deeper Dive into Proposals & Awards

Meren Britt
Susie Quartey

Plan for Successful Interactions with the IRB

Dr. Bob Ridge
Robbie Chaney

Maximizing Research Impact

Erica Miller
Brittney Freeze

Internationalizing Your Research Panel

Chris Quinlan, Dr. Ryan Kellems, and Dr. Rick West

11:00 - 11:50am

The Many Ways to Fund Your Research

Kristen Kellems

Library Resources for Data Management, Visualization, and sharing

Maggie Marchant,
Ellen Amatangelo,
Adam Griggs,
Paul Robbins

Tech Transfer Office and Creative Works Office

Dave Brown, and Mary Jo Tansy

Conducting Research Without Breaking the Law

Sarah Brinton

12:00 - 12:50pmLunch and Resource Fair, WSC Garden Court

Learn more

This year, the 2024 GRASP Conference includes a Research Resource Fair. Stop by and learn more about the following offices:

... and many more!

Contact Information
Office of Research Development