International Funding - BYU Research Development Skip to main content

International Funding

International Funding Opportunities

NIH Fogarty International Center

The NIH's Fogarty International Center supports and facilitates global health research, research training and career development for U.S. and international partners

NSF International Science and Engineering

Most international research and education activities funded as part of NSF disciplinary programs. The Office of International Science and Engineering helps with international funding opportunities

EURAXESS North America

EURAXESS North America links researchers in North America with the European Research Area. They promote researcher mobility and cooperation and assist researchers of all nationalities, all disciplines, and at all career stages.

European Research Council

The European Research Council will fund researchers from anywhere in the world can apply for ERC grants provided the research they undertake will be carried out in a EU Member State or Associate Country.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) supports researchers at all stages of their careers, regardless of age and nationality

United Nations

The United Nations has programs and funds in many countries, including research funds

Global Research Council

The Global Research Council is a virtual organization, dedicated to promoting the sharing of data and best practices for high-quality collaboration among funding agencies worldwide

Fulbright Scholar Program

February 06, 2020 12:21 PM
The U.S Fulbright Scholar Program offers approximately 470 teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries. Fulbright Scholar Liaisons help university faculty apply for opportunities with the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program. The Fulbright Scholar Liaison for Brigham Young University is Kristen Kellems. Contact her by email at: or by phone at (801)422-8967.

International Funding for the Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Funds individual and collaborative international research in humanities and social sciences
  • Spent $24 million across all opportunities
  • Pays wage stipend depending on career level
  • Grant duration is between 6-12 months
  • Must be a U.S. citizen and hold an advanced degree
  • Key characteristics: advancing humanities
  • Most of the application deadlines for various fellowships take place in the fall

Contact Kristen Kellems at for more info