Faculty Collaboration Database
140 results found
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
4125 LSB
Research Interests:
- Water Quality
- Microbial ecology
- Biogeochemistry
- Biotechnology
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
4125 LSB
Research Interests:
- Water Quality
- Microbial ecology
- Biogeochemistry
- Biotechnology
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
4125 LSB
Research Interests:
- Carbon and nutrient cycle response to disturbance
- Permafrost degradation
- Agriculture
- Urbanization
- Climate Change
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
4125 LSB
Research Interests:
- Carbon and nutrient cycle response to disturbance
- Permafrost degradation
- Agriculture
- Urbanization
- Climate Change
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
4127 LSB
Research Interests:
- Soil Ecosystem responses to climate-driven environmental changes
- Evolutionary Ecology
- Ecological Genomics
- Soil Biodiversity
- Microfauna
Department: Biology
4127 LSB
Research Interests:
- Soil Ecosystem responses to climate-driven environmental changes
- Evolutionary Ecology
- Ecological Genomics
- Soil Biodiversity
- Microfauna
College: Life Sciences
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
Research Interests:
- Foods substitutes
- Arsenic effect on gene expression
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
Research Interests:
- Foods substitutes
- Arsenic effect on gene expression
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
2123 LSB
Research Interests:
- Seed ecophysiology
- Ecological restoration
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
2123 LSB
Research Interests:
- Seed ecophysiology
- Ecological restoration
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5130 LSB
Research Interests:
- Ecological genetics
- Conservation genetics
- Phylogeography of rare plant genera and species
- Biogeography patterns
- Plant population and community ecology
- Plant reproductive ecology
- Systematics of Brassicaceae
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5130 LSB
Research Interests:
- Ecological genetics
- Conservation genetics
- Phylogeography of rare plant genera and species
- Biogeography patterns
- Plant population and community ecology
- Plant reproductive ecology
- Systematics of Brassicaceae
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5025 LSB
Research Interests:
- Animal science
- Botany
- Seeds
- Shrubs
- Grass Geographic information systems (GIS)
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5025 LSB
Research Interests:
- Animal science
- Botany
- Seeds
- Shrubs
- Grass Geographic information systems (GIS)
College: Life Sciences
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3052 LSB
Research Interests:
- Molecular or cellular signaling
- Apoptosis
- Placenta development
- Cell invasion or mobility regulation
- Pregnancy and Gestation
- Fetal and embryonic development
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3052 LSB
Research Interests:
- Molecular or cellular signaling
- Apoptosis
- Placenta development
- Cell invasion or mobility regulation
- Pregnancy and Gestation
- Fetal and embryonic development
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
267 SFH
Research Interests:
- Lifestyle Medicine
- Chronic disease prevention and treatment
- Diet, Physical Activity and Sleep
- Lifestyle behaviors and health habits
- Lifestyle and disease
- Behavior pattern intervention
- Evidence based medical care
- Disease prevention
- Health promotion
Department: Exercise Sciences
267 SFH
Research Interests:
- Lifestyle Medicine
- Chronic disease prevention and treatment
- Diet, Physical Activity and Sleep
- Lifestyle behaviors and health habits
- Lifestyle and disease
- Behavior pattern intervention
- Evidence based medical care
- Disease prevention
- Health promotion
College: College of Life Sciences
Department: Biology
4146 LSB
Research Interests:
- Gender Gaps in Biology Education
- Reciprocal Peer Tutoring
- Course Structures that Promote Growth Mindset
- Student Learning or Enrichment
- Cumulative Assessment
- Integration of Math and Biology
- Membrane Biophysics
Department: Biology
4146 LSB
Research Interests:
- Gender Gaps in Biology Education
- Reciprocal Peer Tutoring
- Course Structures that Promote Growth Mindset
- Student Learning or Enrichment
- Cumulative Assessment
- Integration of Math and Biology
- Membrane Biophysics
Establishing the Polynesian Utah Kancer Alliance (PUKA) for Comprehensive Molecular Characterization in Many Cancers.
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
5011 LSB
Research Interests:
- Health education
- Health promotion
- Public Health Communication
- Disease prevention
- Health planning
- Health statistics
- Program evaluation
Department: Public Health
5011 LSB
Research Interests:
- Health education
- Health promotion
- Public Health Communication
- Disease prevention
- Health planning
- Health statistics
- Program evaluation
College: Life Sciences
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3049 LSB
Research Interests:
- Genetic regulation of structure
- Gene activity
- Developmental Biology
- Embryology
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3049 LSB
Research Interests:
- Genetic regulation of structure
- Gene activity
- Developmental Biology
- Embryology
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
2046 LSB
Research Interests:
- Environmental and occupational risk factors for neurological and mental health diseases
- Environmental health
- Health effects of temperature inversions and air pollution
- Neurological and mental health disease prognosis
Department: Public Health
2046 LSB
Research Interests:
- Environmental and occupational risk factors for neurological and mental health diseases
- Environmental health
- Health effects of temperature inversions and air pollution
- Neurological and mental health disease prognosis
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
4023 LSB
Research Interests:
- Predator Prey Interactions
- Life History Evolution
- Native Fish Conservation
- Fisheries
- Parasites
- Buring Beetles
- Fishes
Department: Biology
4023 LSB
Research Interests:
- Predator Prey Interactions
- Life History Evolution
- Native Fish Conservation
- Fisheries
- Parasites
- Buring Beetles
- Fishes
College: Life Sciences
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-219 ESC
Research Interests:
- Clinical nutrition
- Pediatric nutrition
- Nutrition education
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-219 ESC
Research Interests:
- Clinical nutrition
- Pediatric nutrition
- Nutrition education
College: Life Sciences
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3136 LSB
Research Interests:
- Viruses and disease in blood cells
- Dengue Virus, HIV, Epstein-Barr, Kaposi's Sarcome Herpesvirus
- Vaccine development
- Anti-viral drugs
- Virus or viral infections
- Animal models of human systems
- Virology
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3136 LSB
Research Interests:
- Viruses and disease in blood cells
- Dengue Virus, HIV, Epstein-Barr, Kaposi's Sarcome Herpesvirus
- Vaccine development
- Anti-viral drugs
- Virus or viral infections
- Animal models of human systems
- Virology
College: Life Sciences
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3017 LSB
Research Interests:
- Obesity
- Molecular mechanisms of weight gain
- Etiology of insulin resistance and mitochondrial function
- Metabolism
- Fat development and accrual
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3017 LSB
Research Interests:
- Obesity
- Molecular mechanisms of weight gain
- Etiology of insulin resistance and mitochondrial function
- Metabolism
- Fat development and accrual
College: Life Sciences
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
2060G LSB
Research Interests:
- Microbiology education
- Bacteriophage Genomics
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
2060G LSB
Research Interests:
- Microbiology education
- Bacteriophage Genomics
College: Life Sciences
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
D-387 ASB
Research Interests:
- Transcriptional regulation
- Cell signaling
- Cartilage
- Molecular Biology
- Cell Biology
- Gene Regulation
- Gene function
- Gut microbiota
- Gut effects on obesity, type 2 diabetes, anxiety and depression
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
D-387 ASB
Research Interests:
- Transcriptional regulation
- Cell signaling
- Cartilage
- Molecular Biology
- Cell Biology
- Gene Regulation
- Gene function
- Gut microbiota
- Gut effects on obesity, type 2 diabetes, anxiety and depression
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
120F RB
Research Interests:
- Foot and ankle mechanics
- Healthy and pathological gait
- Sports biomechanics
- Biomechanics methods
Department: Exercise Sciences
120F RB
Research Interests:
- Foot and ankle mechanics
- Healthy and pathological gait
- Sports biomechanics
- Biomechanics methods
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
4057 LSB
Research Interests:
- Phylogenetics
- Entomology (specifically Odonata)
- Visual Evolution
Department: Biology
4057 LSB
Research Interests:
- Phylogenetics
- Entomology (specifically Odonata)
- Visual Evolution
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
2047 LSB
Research Interests:
- Active transportation in urban areas
- Shared road spaces
- Health geography
- Urban health
- GIS mapping
- Urban bicyclist safety
- Translational research
- Social determinants of health
Department: Public Health
2047 LSB
Research Interests:
- Active transportation in urban areas
- Shared road spaces
- Health geography
- Urban health
- GIS mapping
- Urban bicyclist safety
- Translational research
- Social determinants of health
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5132 LSB
Research Interests:
- Genetic determinants of host-microbe interactions
- Metagenomics
- Data science and analysis
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5132 LSB
Research Interests:
- Genetic determinants of host-microbe interactions
- Metagenomics
- Data science and analysis
College: Life Sciences
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-221A ESC
Research Interests:
- Selenium-regulation of gene expression in prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer prevention and treatment -- optimizing selenium and chemotherapeutic blends
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-221A ESC
Research Interests:
- Selenium-regulation of gene expression in prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer prevention and treatment -- optimizing selenium and chemotherapeutic blends
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
3101E MLBM
Research Interests:
- Entomology
- Identification and Classification of Insects
Department: Biology
3101E MLBM
Research Interests:
- Entomology
- Identification and Classification of Insects
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5134 LSB
Research Interests:
- Genetics
- Fungal pathogens
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5134 LSB
Research Interests:
- Genetics
- Fungal pathogens
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
2049 LSB
Research Interests:
- Family health
- Executive functioning
- Adolescent and child well-being
- Mental Health
Department: Public Health
2049 LSB
Research Interests:
- Family health
- Executive functioning
- Adolescent and child well-being
- Mental Health
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
2138 LSB
Research Interests:
- Maternal and child health
- Global Health
- Community Health
- Adolescent and child well-being or health
- Child nutrition or growth
Department: Public Health
2138 LSB
Research Interests:
- Maternal and child health
- Global Health
- Community Health
- Adolescent and child well-being or health
- Child nutrition or growth
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
271 SFH
Research Interests:
- Obesity comorbidities
- Long-term bariatric surgery outcomes
- Assessment of fitness, body composition, and metabolism
- Exercise interventions for obesity and chronic disease
Department: Exercise Sciences
271 SFH
Research Interests:
- Obesity comorbidities
- Long-term bariatric surgery outcomes
- Assessment of fitness, body composition, and metabolism
- Exercise interventions for obesity and chronic disease
College: Life Sciences
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3129 LSB
Research Interests:
- Statistical genetic analysis of complex diseases
- Phenotype extraction from electronic medical records
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3129 LSB
Research Interests:
- Statistical genetic analysis of complex diseases
- Phenotype extraction from electronic medical records
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
274 SFH
Research Interests:
- Joint dislocation, reduction techniques
- Lower extremity injury evaluation
- Diagnostic Accuracy of special tests
- Health Care Administration
Department: Exercise Sciences
274 SFH
Research Interests:
- Joint dislocation, reduction techniques
- Lower extremity injury evaluation
- Diagnostic Accuracy of special tests
- Health Care Administration
College: Life Sciences
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-129 ESC
Research Interests:
- Micronutrient fortification and stability
- Food chemistry and product development
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-129 ESC
Research Interests:
- Micronutrient fortification and stability
- Food chemistry and product development
College: Life Sciences
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3046 LSB
Research Interests:
- Learning and memory
- Reward and addiction pathways
- Electrophysiology
- Synaptic plasticity
- Neurological diseases -- Epilepsy and Alzheimer's
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3046 LSB
Research Interests:
- Learning and memory
- Reward and addiction pathways
- Electrophysiology
- Synaptic plasticity
- Neurological diseases -- Epilepsy and Alzheimer's
College: Life Sciences
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3133 LSB
Research Interests:
- Immunology
- Bacteria or bacterial pathogens
- Bacterial pathogen evolution
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3133 LSB
Research Interests:
- Immunology
- Bacteria or bacterial pathogens
- Bacterial pathogen evolution
College: Life Sciences
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3139 LSB
Research Interests:
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- Mitochondrial DNA
- Morphology
- Genetic diversity
- Phylogenetics
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3139 LSB
Research Interests:
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- Mitochondrial DNA
- Morphology
- Genetic diversity
- Phylogenetics
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
120A RB
Research Interests:
- Whole Body Vibration
- Exercise Science
- Exercise Intervention
- Muscle Stretching Exercises
- Rehabilitation
- Aging
- Flexibility
Department: Exercise Sciences
120A RB
Research Interests:
- Whole Body Vibration
- Exercise Science
- Exercise Intervention
- Muscle Stretching Exercises
- Rehabilitation
- Aging
- Flexibility
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5115 LSB
Research Interests:
- Biodiversity
- Genetics
- Conservation genomics
- Phylogenetics
- Machine Learning and biological collections
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5115 LSB
Research Interests:
- Biodiversity
- Genetics
- Conservation genomics
- Phylogenetics
- Machine Learning and biological collections
College: Life Sciences
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
5007 LSB
Research Interests:
- Effects of diet and exercise on metabolism and bone
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
5007 LSB
Research Interests:
- Effects of diet and exercise on metabolism and bone
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
4123 LSB
Research Interests:
- Endophytes in plants
- Seed germination and survival of native Utah plants
- Plant disease control- potato and quinoa
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
4123 LSB
Research Interests:
- Endophytes in plants
- Seed germination and survival of native Utah plants
- Plant disease control- potato and quinoa
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
116B RB
Research Interests:
- Exercise physiology
- Mitochondrial function as a result of activity and aging
- Vascular Function and Health
- Cardiovascular physiology
- Pulmonary physiology
- Muscle Metabolism
Department: Exercise Sciences
116B RB
Research Interests:
- Exercise physiology
- Mitochondrial function as a result of activity and aging
- Vascular Function and Health
- Cardiovascular physiology
- Pulmonary physiology
- Muscle Metabolism
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
4101A LSB
Research Interests:
- Climate Change
- Ecosystem Response to Climate Change
- Community Response to Climate Change
- Human influence on the environment and climate
- Resource conservation in the United States and South Pacific
Department: Biology
4101A LSB
Research Interests:
- Climate Change
- Ecosystem Response to Climate Change
- Community Response to Climate Change
- Human influence on the environment and climate
- Resource conservation in the United States and South Pacific
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
2032 LSB
Research Interests:
- Systems thinking for public health
- Health systems strengthening
- Knowledge translation
- Public Health leadership
Department: Public Health
2032 LSB
Research Interests:
- Systems thinking for public health
- Health systems strengthening
- Knowledge translation
- Public Health leadership
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
2121 LSB
Research Interests:
- Marine Biology
- Ecology
- Human influence on the environment and climate
- Ecosystem Response to Climate Change
- Extinction
- Individual variation within populations
- Population and Community Interactions
Department: Biology
2121 LSB
Research Interests:
- Marine Biology
- Ecology
- Human influence on the environment and climate
- Ecosystem Response to Climate Change
- Extinction
- Individual variation within populations
- Population and Community Interactions
College: Life Sciences
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
4007 LSB
Research Interests:
- Biological versatility in bacteria
- Abiotic or antibiotic stress or stressors
- Antimicrobial compounds
- Gene expression engineering
- Protein production or engineering
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
4007 LSB
Research Interests:
- Biological versatility in bacteria
- Abiotic or antibiotic stress or stressors
- Antimicrobial compounds
- Gene expression engineering
- Protein production or engineering
College: Life Sciences
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3140 LSB
Research Interests:
- Cellular metabolism
- Metabolism regulation
- Protein kinase
- Glucose metabolism and regulation
- Bacteriophages
- Bacterial hosts
- Pathogen treatment
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3140 LSB
Research Interests:
- Cellular metabolism
- Metabolism regulation
- Protein kinase
- Glucose metabolism and regulation
- Bacteriophages
- Bacterial hosts
- Pathogen treatment
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
228B SFH
Research Interests:
- Health Promotion
- Health Education
- Preventive Medicine
- Disease prevention
Department: Exercise Sciences
228B SFH
Research Interests:
- Health Promotion
- Health Education
- Preventive Medicine
- Disease prevention
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
2140 LSB
Research Interests:
- School health education
- Adolescent and child well-being or health
- Sexualization
Department: Public Health
2140 LSB
Research Interests:
- School health education
- Adolescent and child well-being or health
- Sexualization
College: Life Sciences
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-245 ESC
Research Interests:
- Metabolic pathways -- supply and demand
- Diabetes and insulin resistance
- Glucose metabolism and regulation
- Chronic disease prevention and treatment
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-245 ESC
Research Interests:
- Metabolic pathways -- supply and demand
- Diabetes and insulin resistance
- Glucose metabolism and regulation
- Chronic disease prevention and treatment
College: Life Sciences
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3047 LSB
Research Interests:
- Oxidative stress
- Birth defects
- Birth defect interventions or prevention
- Protein, DNA, lipid damage
- Developmental Biology
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3047 LSB
Research Interests:
- Oxidative stress
- Birth defects
- Birth defect interventions or prevention
- Protein, DNA, lipid damage
- Developmental Biology
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
4105B LSB
Research Interests:
- Water Use
- Water Conservation in Agricultural and Natural Systems
- Water quality protection
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
4105B LSB
Research Interests:
- Water Use
- Water Conservation in Agricultural and Natural Systems
- Water quality protection
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
2139 LSB
Research Interests:
- Computational or Quantitative Health Science
- Family health
- Mental Health
- Adolescent Health
Department: Public Health
2139 LSB
Research Interests:
- Computational or Quantitative Health Science
- Family health
- Mental Health
- Adolescent Health
College: Life Sciences
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3018 LSB
Research Interests:
- Gene or genetic regulation
- Heart formation
- Developmental Biology
- Congenital heart disease diagnosis and treatment
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3018 LSB
Research Interests:
- Gene or genetic regulation
- Heart formation
- Developmental Biology
- Congenital heart disease diagnosis and treatment
College: Life Sciences
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3134 LSB
Research Interests:
- Flow cytometry
- Science and industry business practices and technology transfer
- Antimicrobial implants
- Bacterial infection
- DNA delivery or implantation or transduction
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3134 LSB
Research Interests:
- Flow cytometry
- Science and industry business practices and technology transfer
- Antimicrobial implants
- Bacterial infection
- DNA delivery or implantation or transduction
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5117 LSB
Research Interests:
- Soil science
- Plant nutrient or nutrition
- Water science
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5117 LSB
Research Interests:
- Soil science
- Plant nutrient or nutrition
- Water science
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
120B RB
Research Interests:
- Joint Injury
- Neuromechanics
Department: Exercise Sciences
120B RB
Research Interests:
- Joint Injury
- Neuromechanics
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5108 LSB
Research Interests:
- Rangeland restoration
- Rangeland resilience to disturbance
- Resistance to invasion
- Plant community restoration
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5108 LSB
Research Interests:
- Rangeland restoration
- Rangeland resilience to disturbance
- Resistance to invasion
- Plant community restoration
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
120C RB
Research Interests:
- Sports biomechanics
- Sports and exercise performance and injury
Department: Exercise Sciences
120C RB
Research Interests:
- Sports biomechanics
- Sports and exercise performance and injury
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
272 SFH
Research Interests:
- Exercise physiology
- Muscle adaptation to stress
- Muscle recovery
- Kinesiology
Department: Exercise Sciences
272 SFH
Research Interests:
- Exercise physiology
- Muscle adaptation to stress
- Muscle recovery
- Kinesiology
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5133 LSB
Research Interests:
- Genomics or genetics tools
- Crop or agriculture improvement
- Crop or agricultural growth in marginal environment
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5133 LSB
Research Interests:
- Genomics or genetics tools
- Crop or agriculture improvement
- Crop or agricultural growth in marginal environment
College: Life Sciences
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-133 ESC
Research Interests:
- Sensory analysis, testing techniques and protocol
- Sensory science and marketing
- Food engineering
- Dairy and meat science
- Labeling and sensory perception
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-133 ESC
Research Interests:
- Sensory analysis, testing techniques and protocol
- Sensory science and marketing
- Food engineering
- Dairy and meat science
- Labeling and sensory perception
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5009 LSB
Research Interests:
- Chromosomal genetics and genomics
- Breeding relationships between domestic and wild crops
- Crop introduction
- Crop breeding into new environments
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5009 LSB
Research Interests:
- Chromosomal genetics and genomics
- Breeding relationships between domestic and wild crops
- Crop introduction
- Crop breeding into new environments
College: Life Sciences
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
2025 LSB
Research Interests:
- Epigenetics
- DNA methylation
- Male fertility
- Sperm function
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
2025 LSB
Research Interests:
- Epigenetics
- DNA methylation
- Male fertility
- Sperm function
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
4059 LSB
Research Interests:
- Biological Science or Biology Education
- Reconciling Evolution and Religion
- STEM Faculty Professional Development
- Assessment Strategies
Department: Biology
4059 LSB
Research Interests:
- Biological Science or Biology Education
- Reconciling Evolution and Religion
- STEM Faculty Professional Development
- Assessment Strategies
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
4033 LSB
Research Interests:
- Evolutionary Diversity or Diversification
- Ecology and Evolution
- Speciation
- Species Interaction
- Species Conservation
Department: Biology
4033 LSB
Research Interests:
- Evolutionary Diversity or Diversification
- Ecology and Evolution
- Speciation
- Species Interaction
- Species Conservation
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
4058 LSB
Research Interests:
- Plant Systematics
- Taxonomy
- Phylogenetics AND inference
- Species Delimination
- Phylogeography
- Conservation Genetics
Department: Biology
4058 LSB
Research Interests:
- Plant Systematics
- Taxonomy
- Phylogenetics AND inference
- Species Delimination
- Phylogeography
- Conservation Genetics
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
3115A MLBM
Research Interests:
- Plant Taxonomy
- Plant insect interactions
Department: Biology
3115A MLBM
Research Interests:
- Plant Taxonomy
- Plant insect interactions
College: Life Sciences
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3132 LSB
Research Interests:
- Gene expression and regulation
- Gene or DNA sequencing
- Chromatin architecture or structure
- Histones
- Gene silencing
- Gene therapy
- DNA-based disease treatments
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3132 LSB
Research Interests:
- Gene expression and regulation
- Gene or DNA sequencing
- Chromatin architecture or structure
- Histones
- Gene silencing
- Gene therapy
- DNA-based disease treatments
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
266 SFH
Research Interests:
- Tendon Adaptation
- Foot and lower extremity function and rehabilitation
- Spinal rehabilitation
- Musculoskeletal and vascular imaging
- Physical therapy modalities
Department: Exercise Sciences
266 SFH
Research Interests:
- Tendon Adaptation
- Foot and lower extremity function and rehabilitation
- Spinal rehabilitation
- Musculoskeletal and vascular imaging
- Physical therapy modalities
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
2045 LSB
Research Interests:
- Indoor environmental quality
- Occupational health and safety
- Biological safety
Department: Public Health
2045 LSB
Research Interests:
- Indoor environmental quality
- Occupational health and safety
- Biological safety
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
4102 LSB
Research Interests:
- Genetics and Genomics
- Novel Phenotypes
- Alzheimer's disease genetics
- Alzheimer's disease cure
- Prevention and diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease
- Genomics and Evolution
Department: Biology
4102 LSB
Research Interests:
- Genetics and Genomics
- Novel Phenotypes
- Alzheimer's disease genetics
- Alzheimer's disease cure
- Prevention and diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease
- Genomics and Evolution
College: Life Sciences
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-249 ESC
Research Interests:
- Chemotherapeutic natural compounds
- Molecular mechanisms of chemotherapeutic agents
- Structure determination
- Cancer treatment
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-249 ESC
Research Interests:
- Chemotherapeutic natural compounds
- Molecular mechanisms of chemotherapeutic agents
- Structure determination
- Cancer treatment
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
4031 LSB
Research Interests:
- Population and Community Ecology of plants and fungi
- Mycorrhizal, endophytic and gut fungi
- Botany
- Plant Ecology
- Mycology
- Fungal Ecology
- Gut Microbiome
- Community Ecology
- Agricultural Ecology
- Soil Carbon Sequestration
- Soil Microbial Ecology
Department: Biology
4031 LSB
Research Interests:
- Population and Community Ecology of plants and fungi
- Mycorrhizal, endophytic and gut fungi
- Botany
- Plant Ecology
- Mycology
- Fungal Ecology
- Gut Microbiome
- Community Ecology
- Agricultural Ecology
- Soil Carbon Sequestration
- Soil Microbial Ecology
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5046 LSB
Research Interests:
- Wildlife ecology and management
- Wildlife recovery
- Wildlife conservation
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5046 LSB
Research Interests:
- Wildlife ecology and management
- Wildlife recovery
- Wildlife conservation
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
4143 LSB
Research Interests:
- Evolutionary Diversity or Diversification
- Molecular Systematics and phylogenomics
- Species interactions and evolution
- Fungal symbioses
- Biogeography in arid environments
- Climate Change and Bio-monitoring
- Scientific Education and Outreach
- Conservation
Department: Biology
4143 LSB
Research Interests:
- Evolutionary Diversity or Diversification
- Molecular Systematics and phylogenomics
- Species interactions and evolution
- Fungal symbioses
- Biogeography in arid environments
- Climate Change and Bio-monitoring
- Scientific Education and Outreach
- Conservation
College: Life Sciences
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-141 ESC
Research Interests:
- Obesity
- Physical Activity or Exercise
- Disease prevention
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-141 ESC
Research Interests:
- Obesity
- Physical Activity or Exercise
- Disease prevention
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
120G RB
Research Interests:
- Exercise physiology
- Cardiovascular physiology
- Respiratory or pulmonary physiology
Department: Exercise Sciences
120G RB
Research Interests:
- Exercise physiology
- Cardiovascular physiology
- Respiratory or pulmonary physiology
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5048 LSB
Research Interests:
- Rangeland seeding success
- Functional plant communities development
- Edaphic, climatic and biotic factors effects on plant survival and productivity
- Barriers to restoration success
- Seed enhancement technologies
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5048 LSB
Research Interests:
- Rangeland seeding success
- Functional plant communities development
- Edaphic, climatic and biotic factors effects on plant survival and productivity
- Barriers to restoration success
- Seed enhancement technologies
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
2050 LSB
Research Interests:
- Sexual and reproductive health
- Childhood events
- Family health and environment
- Mental Health
- Emerging adulthood
Department: Public Health
2050 LSB
Research Interests:
- Sexual and reproductive health
- Childhood events
- Family health and environment
- Mental Health
- Emerging adulthood
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5144 LSB
Research Interests:
- Genomics or genetics tools
- Accelerated breeding of orphaned crops
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5144 LSB
Research Interests:
- Genomics or genetics tools
- Accelerated breeding of orphaned crops
College: Life Sciences
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3128 LSB
Research Interests:
- Signal transduction
- Gene expression and regulation
- Cell regulatory mechanisms or regulation
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3128 LSB
Research Interests:
- Signal transduction
- Gene expression and regulation
- Cell regulatory mechanisms or regulation
College: Life Sciences
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5023 LSB
Research Interests:
- Population and community ecology of mammals
- Wildlife habitat associations
- Behavioral ecology of mammals
- Wildlife conservation
Department: Plant & Wildlife Sciences
5023 LSB
Research Interests:
- Population and community ecology of mammals
- Wildlife habitat associations
- Behavioral ecology of mammals
- Wildlife conservation
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
2063 LSB
Research Interests:
- Cancer epidemiology
- Evaluation of health interventions
- Religion and health
Department: Public Health
2063 LSB
Research Interests:
- Cancer epidemiology
- Evaluation of health interventions
- Religion and health
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
268 SFH
Research Interests:
- Spine and intervertebral disc, or back
- Low back pain etiology and interventions
- Back pain causes and treatments
Department: Exercise Sciences
268 SFH
Research Interests:
- Spine and intervertebral disc, or back
- Low back pain etiology and interventions
- Back pain causes and treatments
College: Life Sciences
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3015 LSB
Research Interests:
- Protein engineering
- Cell adhesion modulation or modification
- Drug delivery
- Membrane proteins
Department: Cell Biology & Physiology
3015 LSB
Research Interests:
- Protein engineering
- Cell adhesion modulation or modification
- Drug delivery
- Membrane proteins
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
D380 LSB
Research Interests:
- Health promotion
- Racial and ethnic health disparities
- Social determinants of health
- Health education
Department: Public Health
D380 LSB
Research Interests:
- Health promotion
- Racial and ethnic health disparities
- Social determinants of health
- Health education
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
120D RB
Research Interests:
- Skeletal muscle
- Disease, aging and inactivity
- Molecular changes or processes of aging, inactivity, and disease
Department: Exercise Sciences
120D RB
Research Interests:
- Skeletal muscle
- Disease, aging and inactivity
- Molecular changes or processes of aging, inactivity, and disease
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
2138 LSB
Research Interests:
- Sexual and reproductive health
- Environmental lead exposure
- Substance abuse disorders or addiction
- Spatial statistics
- Multi-level modeling
Department: Public Health
2138 LSB
Research Interests:
- Sexual and reproductive health
- Environmental lead exposure
- Substance abuse disorders or addiction
- Spatial statistics
- Multi-level modeling
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
2119 LSB
Research Interests:
- Insects
- Taxonomy
- Systematics
- Ecology
- Evolution
Department: Biology
2119 LSB
Research Interests:
- Insects
- Taxonomy
- Systematics
- Ecology
- Evolution
College: Life Sciences
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3130 LSB
Research Interests:
- Plant molecular biology
- DNA replication and recombination in chloroplasts and mitochondria
- Transcriptomics of halophytes
- Microbiome of halophytes
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3130 LSB
Research Interests:
- Plant molecular biology
- DNA replication and recombination in chloroplasts and mitochondria
- Transcriptomics of halophytes
- Microbiome of halophytes
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
2064 LSB
Research Interests:
- Health Policy
- Social determinants of health
- Maternal and child health
- Family health
- Health promotion
- Disease prevention
- Health disparities
- Chronic disease prevention
- Adolescent health
Department: Public Health
2064 LSB
Research Interests:
- Health Policy
- Social determinants of health
- Maternal and child health
- Family health
- Health promotion
- Disease prevention
- Health disparities
- Chronic disease prevention
- Adolescent health
College: Life Sciences
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3142 LSB
Research Interests:
- Cancer prevention
- Phytochemicals
- Public Health and disease education
- Immune response to cancer
- DNA repair mechanisms
- Tumor or cancerous macrophage
- Cancer or disease detection
Department: Microbiology & Molecular Biology
3142 LSB
Research Interests:
- Cancer prevention
- Phytochemicals
- Public Health and disease education
- Immune response to cancer
- DNA repair mechanisms
- Tumor or cancerous macrophage
- Cancer or disease detection
College: Life Sciences
Department: Public Health
2030 LSB
Research Interests:
- School health education
- Health promotion
- Substance abuse disorders or addiction
Department: Public Health
2030 LSB
Research Interests:
- School health education
- Health promotion
- Substance abuse disorders or addiction
College: Life Sciences
Department: Exercise Sciences
106D SFH
Research Interests:
- Exercise science and physiology
- Skeletal muscle fibers and physiology
- Muscle damage
- Human physiology
- Contractile proteins or muscle contraction
- Human performance
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- Muscle Hypertrophy
Department: Exercise Sciences
106D SFH
Research Interests:
- Exercise science and physiology
- Skeletal muscle fibers and physiology
- Muscle damage
- Human physiology
- Contractile proteins or muscle contraction
- Human performance
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- Muscle Hypertrophy
College: College of Life Sciences
Department: Neuroscience
3051 LSB
Research Interests:
- Epilepsy and seizure disorders
Department: Neuroscience
3051 LSB
Research Interests:
- Epilepsy and seizure disorders
College: Life Sciences
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-231 ESC
Research Interests:
- Dietetics Management
- Leadership
- Nutrition education
Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Food Science
S-231 ESC
Research Interests:
- Dietetics Management
- Leadership
- Nutrition education
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
4029 LSB
Research Interests:
- Bioinformatics
- Cancer biology
- Proteomics
- Protein Function
Department: Biology
4029 LSB
Research Interests:
- Bioinformatics
- Cancer biology
- Proteomics
- Protein Function
College: Life Sciences
Department: Biology
4145 LSB
Research Interests:
- Biomathematics or Math and Biology
- Simulation Modeling
- Philosophy of Simulation
- Evolution and Philosophy
- Evolution and Theology or Religion
- Bioethics
Department: Biology
4145 LSB
Research Interests:
- Biomathematics or Math and Biology
- Simulation Modeling
- Philosophy of Simulation
- Evolution and Philosophy
- Evolution and Theology or Religion
- Bioethics