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Faculty Collaboration Database

12 results found
College of Humanities: Philosophy
College: Humanities
Department: Philosophy

Research Interests:
- Phenomenology
- Philosophy of Art
- Film and architecture
- Contemporary French and German philosophy
- Philosophy of psychology
- History of Western Civilization
- Philosophy of Economics
- Studio drawing and painting
- Writing and critical thinking pedagogy
College: Humanities
Department: Philosophy
4081 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Philosophical theology
- Philosophical anthropology
- Philosophical logic
- Essence
- Truth
College: Humanities
Department: Philosophy
4083 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Metaethics
- Metaphysics
- Epistemology
- Philosophy of religion
College: Humanities
Department: Philosophy
4092 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Rationalism (especially Leibniz, Spinoza, Descartes)
- Philosophy of Mind (especially perception and point of view)
- Epistemology (especially self-knowledge)
College: Humanities
Department: Philosophy
4093 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Ethics
- Medical Ethics
- Kant
College: Humanities
Department: Philosophy
4086A JFSB

Research Interests:
- Hispanic Literature
- Hispanic Culture
- Basque and Basque-American Literature
- Basque and Basque-American Culture
- Philosophy of Art
- History of Philosophy
- Philosophy in the Spanish-speaking World
College: College of Humanities
Department: Philosophy
4087 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Metaphysics
- The relationships that essence, ground, and metaphysical generation bear to one another.
- Philosophy of religion
- Philosophical theology
College: Humanities
Department: Philosophy

Research Interests:
- Hume
- Descartes
- Montaigne
- Machiavelli
- Locke
- Confucianism
- Taoism
- Legalism
- Republicanism
- Virtue theory
- Civic theory
- Natural law theory
- Professional ethics
- Neo-Confucianism
- Korean Philosophy
College: Humanities
Department: Philosophy
4086C JFSB

Research Interests:
- Hume
- Early Modern Philosophy
- Philosophy of the mind
- History of Philosophy of emotions
- Moral psychology
- Metaethics
- Applied ethics
- History of women in philosophy
College: Humanities
Department: Philosophy
4089 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Early Modern Philosophy
- Locke
- Descartes
- Philosophy of Religion
College: Humanities
Department: Philosophy
4085 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Moral philosophy
- Political philosophy
- Morality of genome editing
- Human germ line
- Physician assisted suicide
- The distribution of scarce resources (medicine)
- Ethics of compensation for bodily goods
College: Humanities
Department: Philosophy
4079 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Nineteenth century European Philosophy
- Twentieth Century European Philosophy
- Philosophy of Agency
- Moral psychology