Lori Spruance - BYU Research Development Skip to main content

Lori Spruance

Assistant Professor
College of Life Sciences, College of Life Sciences: Public Health

Fulbright experience

"I've been in country for about 2 weeks, so I can share a quick update. After arriving in Rockhampton, Queensland, I traveled down to Canberra (capital of Australia) for a Fulbright Orientation where I met scholars from the US and Australians who are heading to the US for their fellowships. We presented our posters and were awarded recognition by Caroline Kennedy, who is the current Ambassador to Australia. I'm back on Central Queensland Uni's campus and am starting my project which will entail examining the contribution of greenhouse gas emissions from children's diets. I've been warned to be careful of box jellyfish in the ocean, blue bottle octopus in the tide pools, and of course, crocodiles- it feels like everything here can kill you! But I'm most frightened of seeing a huntsman spider in my home- completely harmless, except how scary and big they look! Here are a few pictures."