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Faculty Collaboration Database

36 results found
College of Fine Arts and Communications: Communications College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences: Mathematics Education
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Media History
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Journalism
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Public Relations
- Strategic Communications
- Social Media
- Emerging Communication Technology
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Communications Studies
- Theories of intercultural adaptation
- Historical diffusion of innovation
- Media ecology
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Advertising
- Family and the media
- Visual imagery in print advertising
- Portrayals of the elderly in the media
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Journalism
- Reporting
- Editing
College: Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Department: Mathematics Education

Research Interests:
- Mathematical knowledge for Teaching
- Methods of secondary mathematics instruction
- Teaching mathematics with technology
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Communications law
- Copyright law
College: Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Department: Mathematics Education
185 TMCB

Research Interests:
- Mathematical knowledge for Teaching
- Student teaching for secondary mathematics teachers
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Communications Studies
- Popular Culture
- Media ecology
- Online culture and rhetoric
College: Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Department: Mathematics Education

Research Interests:
- Calculus: applying math to science
- Japanese mathematics education
- Building on student mathematical thinking
- Mathematical knowledge for Teaching
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Media history
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Creative concepting for advertising
- Television commercial production
- Visual literacy
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Advertising
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Communications Studies
- Health Communications
- Media
College: Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Department: Mathematics Education
183 TMCB

Research Interests:
- Mathematics education
- Teacher identity
- Whiteness
- Religious identity
- Teacher education
- Social justice and education
College: Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Department: Mathematics Education

Research Interests:
- The intersection of using math in science
- Quantitative Reasoning in mathematics
- Calculus education
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Public Relations
College: Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Department: Mathematics Education

Research Interests:
- Classroom mathematics discourse
- Mathematics Teacher Education
- Teacher beliefs and practices
- Teaching and learning mathematics
- Teaching mathematics with technology
College: Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Department: Mathematics Education
192 TMCB

Research Interests:
- Mathematics Teacher Education
- Japanese mathematics education
- Building on student mathematical thinking
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Public Relations
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Advertising
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Communications studies
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Advertising
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Journalism
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Advertising
College: Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Department: Mathematics Education
189 TMCB

Research Interests:
- Teacher training
- Mathematics education
- Teaching/Teacher experience
- Mathematics Teacher Education
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Public Relations
College: Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Department: Mathematics Education
187 TMCB

Research Interests:
- Mathematics for elementary and secondary teachers
- History of mathematics
College: Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Department: Mathematics Education
191 TMCB

Research Interests:
- Mathematics education
- Mathematics Teacher Education
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Public Relations
- International Media Studies
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Public Relations
College: Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Department: Mathematics Education

Research Interests:
- Mathematical Thinking
- Constructivism
- Teaching/Teacher experience
- Teaching and learning mathematics
- Mathematical Cognition
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Public Relations
College: College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Department: Math Education

Research Interests:
- Mathematics Teacher Education
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Communications

Research Interests:
- Communications Studies