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Faculty Collaboration Database

122 results found
College of Humanities: Comparative Arts & Letters College of Humanities: English J. Reuben Clark Law School
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3025 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Nineteenth century
- Twentieth century
- Cultural and national identity
- European silent film
- Migration
- Immigration
- Fairy tale adaptations
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4123 JFSB
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3029 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Baroque Literature
- Baroque Art
- Early Modern Skepticism
- Deconstruction
College: Law
Department: Law
404 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Corporate Law and Governance
- Data and the Law
- Cybersecurity
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Securities Law and Regulation
College: Law
Department: Law
540 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Copyright
- Intellectual Property
- Patents and Trademarks
- Privacy
- Technology
College: Law
Department: Law
428 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Citizenship
- Immigration
- Gender
- Race
College: Law
Department: Law

Research Interests:
- Criminal Law and Procedure
- Data and the Law
- Health Justice
- Health Law and Policy
- Intellectual Property
- Neuroscience and Law
- Patents and Trademarks
- Psychology and Law
- Race and Social Justice
- Science and the Law
College: Humanities
Department: English
4127 JFSB
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4127 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Digital learning environments
- Professional communication pedagogy
- Workplace genres
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3019 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Papyrology
- Ancient Prose Fiction
- Classical Textual Criticism
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3052 JFSB, 208 HRCB

Research Interests:
- Nineteenth-century European art and culture
- Fashion and/in art, 1750-1950
- Feminist art history
- Gender studies
- Mormon studies
- Women in art
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters

Research Interests:
- Medieval Literature
- Renaissance Literature
- Religion and literature
- Philosophy and literature
- French, Italian, English
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4155 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Digital humanities
- Mormonism
- Renaissance
- Rhetoric
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
1163E JFSB

Research Interests:
- Seventeenth Century French art and literature
- History of the book
- Theories of authorship
- Cultural history of risk, chance, determinism
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4137 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Aesthetics
- Britain
- Europe
- Medieval
- Music
- Theory
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3008 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Art
- Literature
- Linguistics
- Theology
- Ethnology of the Maya
- Victorian England
- Art and literature of the fin de siècle period
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4161 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Antiquity
- Britain
- Renaissance
- Rhetoric
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4002 JFSB

Research Interests:
- American Studies
- Nineteenth century
- Novel
- Victorian
College: Law
Department: Law

Research Interests:
- Comparative Church and State
- International Religious Rights
College: Law
Department: Law
486 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Corporate Law
College: Law
Department: Law

Research Interests:
- Capital Punishment
- Civil Rights
- Constitutional Law
- Death Penalty
- European Union
- First Amendment
- Freedom of Speech and the Press
- Human Rights
- Legal History
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3036 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Postcolonial Studies
- Modernism
- African Studies
- Narrative Theory
College: Law
Department: Law
4412B WSC

Research Interests:
- Conflict Resolution
- Mediation
- Negotiation
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4097 JFSB

Research Interests:
- English teaching
- Literacy development
- Young Adult Literature
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4146 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Political Discourse
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4121 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Creative writing
- English teaching
- Young Adult Literature
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4167 JFSB

Research Interests:
- American studies
- Film
- Media studies
- Twentieth century
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4129 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Critical theory
- Metaphysics
- Modernism
- Romanticism
College: Law
Department: Law
490 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Environmental Law
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4109 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Composition
- English teaching
College: Law
Department: Law
488 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Ethics
- Director and Officer Liability
- Corporate Governance
- White collar crime
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
College: Law
Department: Law

Research Interests:
- Religious freedom in the United States
- Indigenous rights in the United States
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4119 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Africa
- Cultural studies
- Fantastic literature
- Modernism
- Postcolonialism
- Twentieth century
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4173 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Latter-day Saint/Mormon folklore
- Military and hunting folklore
- The Bible
- Folk art
- Foodways
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4148 JFSB

Research Interests:
- American Studies
- Nineteenth century
- Twentieth century
- Translation
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3050 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Twentieth century literatures of the Americas
- Translation Studies
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4131 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Eighteenth century
- Environment
- Nineteenth century
- Seventeenth century
College: Law
Department: Law
418 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Freedom of Speech and the Press
College: Law
Department: Law
510 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Tax Laws
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4133 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Creative writing
- Editing & publishing
- Masculinity
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
3340D HBLL

Research Interests:
- Collaborative learning and effective peer-to-peer writing support
- How writing shapes reality
- American literature and culture
- Religious and secular metanarratives of the 19th century
College: Law
Department: Law
430 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Religion and Law
College: Law
Department: Law
422 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Commercial Law
College: Law
Department: Law
424 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Disaster Law and Policy
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4104 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Aesthetics
- Digital Humanities
- Eighteenth century
- Poetry
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3770 HBLL

Research Interests:
- Literature of the Americas
- Ecocriticism
- Postcolonialism
- Theology
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4177 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Britain
- Critical Theory
- Music
- Renaissance
- Seventeenth century
- Theater
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3056 JFSB

Research Interests:
- American figural painting
- Popular illustration and print media
- Visual cultures of popular music
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters

Research Interests:
- Medieval and Renaissance literature
College: Law
Department: Law
512 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Civil Rights
- Immigration
- Pro Bono
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4105 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Twentieth-century American literature
- Border literature
- Intercultural effect on literature and understanding
- Memory, nostalgia and trauma
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4169 JFSB

Research Interests:
- British aestheticism
College: Law
Department: Law
536 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Business Law
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4111 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Composition
- Rhetoric
- Writing Pedagogy
College: Law
Department: Law
436 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Economics and Law
- Transaction design
- Private Ordering
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4096 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Composition
- English teaching (writing)
- Media studies
College: Law
Department: Law
504 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Cybersecurity
- Foreign Policy
- Human Rights
- International Law
- Military
- National Security Law
- United Nations
- War Powers
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3041 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Roman Comedy
- Roman Religion
- Republican Roman History
- Reception and Adaptation of Ancient Drama
- Adaptation of Greek Tragedy in Brazil
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4144 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Creative Writing
- Poetry
- Religion
- Renaissance
- Theory
- Translation
College: Law
Department: Law
512 JRCB

Research Interests:
- International economic law
- Trade and investment
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4163 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Seventeenth-century British literature
- Ethics
- Religion, John Milton
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3031 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Danish and Norwegian history
- H.C. Anderson
- Søren Kierkegaard
- Trauma Studies
- Memory Studies
- European Modernism
- Theory
- Nationalism
College: Law
Department: Law
481 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Appellate Advocacy
- Legal Education and Curriculum
- Legal Writing
- Public Speaking
- Religion and Law
- Social Media
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4145 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Poetry
- Rhetoric
- Water in poetry
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4162 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Contemporary Literature
- Translation
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4175 JFSB

Research Interests:
- World Literary studies
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3034 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Music and cognition
- Gender expression
- Chinese performing arts
- Language-music relationships
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4115 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Postcolonial studies
- African Literature
- Irish Literature
- Law and Literature
- British and Anglophone Literatures
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters

Research Interests:
- Latin papyrology
- Greek papyrology
- Reception of classical mythology
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4142 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Creative Writing
- Digital humanities
- Latin America
- Twentieth century
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4107 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Britain
- Europe
- Media studies
- Romanticism
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4160 JFSB

Research Interests:
- African American Literature
- Contemporary Literature
- Gender Studies
- Twenty-first century
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4102 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Britain
- Composition
- Eighteenth Century
- Religion
- Rhetoric
- Theater
College: Law
Department: Law
534 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Religion and Law
- Civil Procedure and Litigation
- Constitutional Law
- Foreign Policy
- Human Rights
- International Development
- International Law
- International Religious Rights
- Supreme Court
College: Law
Department: Law
516 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Administrative law
- Civil procedure
- Federal courts
College: Law
Department: Law
522 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Immigration law
- Citizenship
- Immigrant rights
- Undocumented immigrants
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4110C JFSB

Research Interests:
- Composition
- English teaching
- Literacy development
- Young Adult Literature
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3040 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Classical Historiography
- Classical Biography
- Language Pedagogy
- Intertextuality
- Narratology
- Reception
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3055 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Continental Philosophy
- Early Modern Studies
- Renaissance Studies
- Medieval Studies
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3053 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Seventeenth Century
- Gender and Women in the Dutch Republic
- Art and the lives of women
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3035 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Hellenistic and Roman History
- Greek and Latin Prose Literature
- Classical Historiography
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3023 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Romanticism Literary Theory
- Enlightenment
- Literature and Cinema
- Nineteenth century philosophy
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4171 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Film Adaptation
- Frankenstein in Adaptation
- Gothic Literature
- Literature and Film
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4198 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Britain
- Religion
- Renaissance
College: Law
Department: Law
438 JRCB

Research Interests:
- US Constitutional History
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4117 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Writing Pedagogy
- Writing Program Administration
- Teacher Development
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4147 JFSB

Research Interests:
- African American
- American Studies
- Environment
- Postcolonialism
- Twentieth century
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4143 JFSB

Research Interests:
- American studies
- Environment
- Twentieth century
- Twenty-first century
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
4157 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Adaptation
- American studies
- Composition
- Digital humanities
- Fantastic Literature
- Media Studies
College: Law
Department: Law
530 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Law and Religion
- Legal reasoning and rhetoric
- Philosophy of law
- Legislation and regulation
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3008B JFSB

Research Interests:
- Edgar Allan Poe
- H.P. Lovecraft
- Stephen King
- Shirley Jackson
- Adaptation Theory
- American horror stories and films
- Lydia Maria Child
- American Religious History
- Notions of American Identity
College: Law
Department: Law
412 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Tax Law and Policy
College: Law
Department: Law
418 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Private equity funds
- Dual-class business structures
- Legislative process and statutory interpretation
College: Law
Department: Law
348 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Fiduciary theory
College: College of Humanities
Department: English
1063 JFSB

Research Interests:
- American Studies
- Contemporary
- Creative Writing
- Ethics
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3032 JFSB

Research Interests:
- American Studies
- Comedy
- Satire
- Comics
- Popular culture
- Film American art history
College: Law
Department: Law
524 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Antitrust
- Civil Procedure and Litigation
- Class Actions
- Energy
- Trade
- White Collar Crime
College: College of Humanities
Department: Comparative Arts and Letters
3038 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Medieval architecture
- Devotional practices
College: Law
Department: Law
544 JRCB

Research Interests:
- Civil Rights
- Constitutional Law
- Federal Indian
- Indigenous Rights
- Race and Social Justice