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Faculty Collaboration Database

87 results found
College of Family, Home, & Social Sciences: School of Family Life College of Fine Arts and Communications: Theatre and Media Arts College of Religious Education: Ancient Scripture
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
262 TLRB

Research Interests:
- Couple Therapy
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
274 TLRB

Research Interests:
- Women's Studies
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life

Research Interests:
- Apparel Industry
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
257 TLRB

Research Interests:
- Parenting
- Cultural Competence
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
270B JSB

Research Interests:
- Moral formation in Late Antiquity
- Early Christianity
- Theology and ethics in the Book of Mormon
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
316G JSB

Research Interests:
- Cultural and sociological influences in the Book of Mormon
- Use of ritual in ancient and contemporary contexts
- Doctrines of ascension and theosis in ancient Near East and Late Antiquity
- Comparative cosmologies
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
210F JSB

Research Interests:
- Early Christianity
- Ancient Christian Letters
- Greek papyrology
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life

Research Interests:
- Couple Therapy
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2086B JFSB

Research Interests:
- Relationship Conflict and trauma
- Sexuality
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2093 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Relationship Therapy
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2057 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Marriage Threats and Readiness
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theater and Media Arts

Research Interests:
- Film and Cinema to affect social change
- Relationships of urban and rural landscapes
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
275B JSB

Research Interests:
- Cultural history of early Christianity
- Religious experience
- Dreams and visions
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2086C JFSB

Research Interests:
- Media effects on children and families
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2101 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Family resources and relationship outcomes
- Parenting
- Positive relationship behavior
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2092B JFSB

Research Interests:
- Religion and family life
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theater and Media Arts
F-347 HFAC

Research Interests:
- Documentary
- Children's Media
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
210E JSB

Research Interests:
- Nineteenth-century women's reform literature
- Nineteenth-century women's biblical hermeneutics
- Latter-day saint 'home literature' in relation to the larger print culture
- Book of Mormon through a narrative lens
- Reception history of the Book of Mormon
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
275E JSB

Research Interests:
- Early Christianity
- Biblical reception
- Marriage, family and celibacy
- Portrayals of Jesus in Christian art
- Experience of ordinary Christians
- Adam and Eve
College: Family, Home & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2079 JFSB
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
275G JSB

Research Interests:
- Relationship between the Bible and Latter-day Saint scripture
- Jesus and his Jewish setting
- Daily Life in Roman Galilee
- Sacred space, ritual, and priesthood in early Judaism
- Dead sea schools and early Jewish sectarianism
- Jesus followers in the Roman world
- Jesus in Film
- Joseph Smith's Study and Uses of Hebrew
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2056 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Measuring meaning in the house
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2063 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Intersection of Gender, Family, and child well-being
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
370C JSB

Research Interests:
- Religious education
- New Testament Parables
- Jesus life and Atonement
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theater and Media Arts
F-348 HFAC

Research Interests:
- Theatre work of Edward Gorey
- Intersection of performance and public history
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
303K JSB

Research Interests:
- Scriptural Reception and Rejection History
- Secularization
- Faith Loss
- Anti-Religious Rhetoric
- Canonization
- LDS Scripture and History
- Philosophy of Humor
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2060B JFSB

Research Interests:
- Teaching Pedagogy and Education
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
3770B HBLL

Research Interests:
- Family Processes
- Parenting
- Children's social development
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2077 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Relationship Therapy
- Educational Interventions and Public Policies to prevent divorce
College: Religious Education
Department: Church History and Doctrine
375B JSB

Research Interests:
- Latter-day Saint history
- Latter-day Saint reputation
- Contemporary American religions and interfaith dialogue
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2052 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Family resources and relationship outcomes
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
270E JSB

Research Interests:
- The Atonement of Jesus Christ
- Teaching and Learning
- Open educational resources
- Religious pedagogy
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theater and Media Arts
F-366 HFAC

Research Interests:
- Performance Studies
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2086B JFSB

Research Interests:
- Parenting, specifically systemic influences on parental approaches
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
375A JSB

Research Interests:
- Judaism and Islam
- Medieval cultures and literature
- Biblical studies
- Religions of the world
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
316D JSB

Research Interests:
- Linguistics
- Ethnographic studies
- Archaeology
- Language and culture
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
273 TLRB

Research Interests:
- Suicide prevention
College: College of Family, Home & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2067 JFSB

Research Interests:
-A Look at the Meaning of Home for an Immigrant Bolivian Family
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
365F JSB

Research Interests:
- Johannine Literature
- Historical Jesus and His depiction in the gospel narratives
- Biblical studies: Luke through Acts and Pauline Epistles
- Early Christianity
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2097 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Children's social development
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theater and Media Arts
A-501 HFAC

Research Interests:
- Theatre and Media Education
- Theatre and Media History
- Religious Media
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theater and Media Arts
F-351 HFAC

Research Interests:
- Critical Race Theory
- Ethnic Studies
- Digital Media
- Popular Culture
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2055 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Marriage and Family Therapy
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theater and Media Arts

Research Interests:
- Theatre History
- Theatre Topics
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
316C JSB

Research Interests:
- Latter-day saint interpretation of scripture
- Historical geography and archaeology of the Bible
- Near Eastern Studies
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theater and Media Arts

Research Interests:
- Film History
- Screenwriting
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2054 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Healthy sex within committed relationships
- Being mindful in daily and sexual experiences may be associated with increased sexual satisfaction
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2065 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Family finance -- financial attitudes and behaviors
- Communication and relationship outcomes
- Role of gender and power in finance associations
- Financial socialization
- Emerging adulthood
College: College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2050 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Flourishing in marriage and long-term committed relationships
- Sexuality, religion, and virtue
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2092C JFSB

Research Interests:
- Religion and family life
- Racial Minority Families
- Family Finance
- Qualitative Research
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
316A JSB

Research Interests:
- The Bible and the Book of Mormon
- Early English religious practices
- King James translation of the Bible
- Early English reformers -- William Tyndale, Miles, Coverdale, and John Frith
- Development of the language of English theology
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2050 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Couple Therapy
- Research Methodology
- Marriage and Health
- Marital Relationships over the life course
- Chinese families
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
270L JSB

Research Interests:
- Archaeology
- The advent of Christianity in Egypt
- Texts and iconography of Egyptian religion
- Ancient Egyptian religion, history, and culture
- Overlap of the Biblical and Egyptian worlds
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2102C JFSB

Research Interests:
- Social Development
- Aggression, victimization, and prosocial behavior
- Social Cognition
- Gender Differences in behavior and social cognition
- Sexual and Gender Identity Issues
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theater and Media Arts
F-570 HFAC

Research Interests:
- Theatre education
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2091 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Factors that affect Emerging Adulthood (parenting, social competence, etc.)
- Children's social development
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theater and Media Arts
F-442 HFAC

Research Interests:
- New Media
- Transmedia Story Creation
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
303F JSB

Research Interests:
- Regional settlement patterns
- Archaeological digital data structure, creation, maintenance and dissemination
- Archaeological and geographic aspects of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
303L JSB

Research Interests:
- Ancient Near Eastern society, religion, and culture
- Expatriates and refugees
- Personhood and gender
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2102B JFSB

Research Interests:
- Children's social development with emphasis on psychophysiology
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2087 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Social cognition and emotion understanding in infancy
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2089 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Family dynamics underlying adolescents' development of competence and psychopathology
- Gender development/socialization and implications for adolescents' psychosocial and academic adjustment
- Longitudinal methodologies
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
266 TLRB

Research Interests:
- Couple Therapy
- Medical Family Therapy
- MFT outcome process
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theater and Media Arts
F-480 HFAC

Research Interests:
- Old Testament and Book of Mormon Clothing
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
316J JSB

Research Interests:
- Northwest Semitic inscriptions
- Archaeology
- The Old Testament
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
270C JSB

Research Interests:
- Israelite prophecy
- Marriage and family in the ancient world
- Latter-day Saint scripture history and publications
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
303G JSB

Research Interests:
- King James translation of the Bible
- The temple in ancient and modern times
- The Old Testament
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
210C JSB

Research Interests:
- Idolatry and Image Worship
- Jewish and non-Jewish interactions
- Tribal and Affinity Groups
- Kingship and priesthood in the ancient world
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
230 SNLB

Research Interests:
- Teaching the Engineering Design process; grades K-12
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
270R JSB

Research Interests:
- Philosophy
- Theology
- Scripture
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
370D JSB

Research Interests:
- Bridal chamber ritual in Gnosticism
- The life and teachings of Paul
- The Gospel of Matthew
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
316F JSB

Research Interests:
- Bridal chamber ritual in Gnosticism
- The life and teachings of Paul
- The Gospel of Matthew
College: College of Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
303J JSB
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theater and Media Arts

Research Interests:
- Relationships between youth, media and politics
- Media: children's media, new media, media education
College: College of Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
210J JSB
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
990 KMBL

Research Interests:
- Media effects on children and families
College: College of Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theatre and Media Arts
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
303D JSB

Research Interests:
- Latter-day Saint history
- Old and New Testament studies
- The coming forth of the English Bible
- Graeco-Roman burial traditions
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
264 TLRB

Research Interests:
- Couple Conflict
- Abuse, control, and deception in couples
- Mindfulness and wellness
- Marriage and Family Therapy theory
- Qualitative inquiry
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2055 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Family interactions
- Adolescent contact with family members
- Early childhood education policy
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2081 JFSB

Research Interests:
- Young adult development
- Relationship Development
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
270A JSB

Research Interests:
- The coming forth of the Book of Mormon
- Latter-day Saint history
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
258 TLRB

Research Interests:
- Mass trauma
- Culture and trauma symptoms
- Systemic treatment of trauma symptoms
- MFT process research in trauma treatment
College: Fine Arts and Communications
Department: Theater and Media Arts
F-354 HFAC

Research Interests:
- Costume Design
- Fashion Design & Merchandising
- Game Production
- Graphic Design
College: Religious Education
Department: Ancient Scripture
316E JSB

Research Interests:
- Ancient Mesoamerican ritual and religion
- Historicity of the Book of Mormon
College: Family, Home, & Social Sciences
Department: School of Family Life
2086D JFSB

Research Interests:
- Health in Marriage
- Family Gerontology
- Data Analysis